
Neurosonance - a demonstrated efficacy and a unique concept in the treatment of children with ASD.
"The results we get are not only unprecedented, but they are also revolutionary. The implications and effects are incredible - brain exploration is a colossal importance, not only for combating learning disabilities, but also for enhancing all brain functions. We have noticed that depression, anxiety, insomnia, epilepsy and just about any mental dysfunction, are caused by a lack of coherence in the brain. Using brain stimulation devices, we can restore the brain to the best functioning state. Even it sounds fantastic, but what we discover can radically change the lives of all people on the planet. ”- Dr. Siegfried Othmer, a researcher at the EEG Institute in Woodland Hills, California, and president of the Neurofeedback Division of the Association for Applied Psychology and Biofeedback
The fact obtained with the help of a brain stimulation program through audio signals, which reproduces in the user's brain the waves pattern of a healthy brain, with superior intelligence and emotional balance.
Advanced methods of dissociated alternative brain stimulation in the Alpha and Theta frequency bands;
The chosen frequencies are specially used to induce: self-centered feeling, beneficial DNA stimulation, reduction of anxiety, anger and irritability, removal of fears and insecurity and an increased memory power.
The program is designed to stimulate, by Neural Resonance sound, the neuron activity in the Alpha and Theta bands, inducing various patterns of brain waves that facilitate deep states of relaxation.
The sonic neuroresonance program has a dissociated stimulation protocol in the low Alpha and use for this the sounds of a quiet forest.
The second sonic neuroresonance program stimulates the brain in Alpha Alpha and Theta with and use to create this the sounds of dolphins and whales.
The programs are designed to reduce cerebral hyperactivity and to stimulate the child's state of receptivity by creating a balance between the cerebral hemispheres and also to awaken emotional states in the child.
The programs gives peace, lucidity, inner focus, mental expansion, centering.
Sound neuroresonance induces a deep state of mental balance and coherence, synchronizing completely brain waves between the two hemispheres. This synchronization clearly improves brain function and mind control.
Special effects are inducing the peace of mind, stop the inner voice, diminishing significantly the normal perception of time and space, focusing on a continuous present.
Sonorous neuroresonance gives a state of extraordinary lucidity and alertness.
It is not the death of neurons itself (a natural and continuous process) that explains the progressive loss of memory, but the weakening of interneuronal connections that lead to memory loss.
The interconnection of neurons can be stimulated effectively with the help of sound neuroresonance and phytotherapy.
The programs of this collection do NOT contain any suggestions, either liminal (audible) or subliminal (inaudible). They are intended only for mental training and to increase brain performance.
Three basic methods of brain stimulation are used: isochronic, binaural and monoaural.
We use a new brain stimulation technology - VAS Technology - Spatial Acoustic Vectors.
Programs use sound patterns and structures designed to alter neural rhythms and reproduce these complex patterns in the brain.
The frequency bands in which the “Neuroresonance” section works - “Tara V2021” are ALPHA (8-12Hz) and THETA (4-8Hz).
The research on autism has been done, by now, in the low alpha band.
What is needed, at children with autism, is the reduction of cerebral hyperactivity due, in particular, to the higher number of synapses compared to a normal brain.
The research results has shown that in the alpha area, the brain of the autistic person calms down enough to better manage sensory inputs and thus become less anxious and more attentive to what is happening around them.
Dr. Lester Fehni, director of the Princeton Biofeedback Research Institute, has conducted numerous studies on the relationship between brainwave activity and human behavior. Following these studies, he states that the synchronization of the cerebral hemispheres “determines an identification with the respective experience, an exceptional mental focus. There is a tendency to feel more and more unified with the experience and become that experience, itself. In addition, the power of awareness is greatly increased, so that many more experiences can be included at the same time. There is also a sensory integration of the whole brain, as if you become less calculated and act more intuitively.”
Alpha waves indicate a dynamic state of mind associated with a calm and quiet mind in which attention can be successfully focused both, on the outside, by participating in solving situations of all kinds, but also on the inside, allowing a deepening of a dynamic state of meditation.
Those are also predominant in states of concentration or focussing on an inner immovable center.
Alpha-type brain waves reach frequencies between 8-12 Hz.
Frequency Theta - The realm of the subconscious mind
Theta waves have frequencies that are between 4-8 Hz. They reflect a specific state of mind that allows for beneficial visualization, constructive dynamism of the imagination, and creative inspiration.
These occur especially during paradoxical sleep (REM) in which most dreams, occur.
Theta waves manifest especially during daily reverie.
When they appear in the awake stage, those are responsible for intuitive knowledge and imaginative exploration of the mysterious depths of the subconscious.
Theta frequency plays an important role in behavior modification programs and has been used as a treatment for drug addiction, smoking, gambling or alcohol. It is a state of supreme learning, of reprogramming own mind, of remembering dreams, and of self-suggestion.
Theta has been identified as a gateway to learning and memory. Theta waves are used in rapid learning and memorization techniques.
Theta waves are often associated with artistic activities carried out in an atmosphere of harmony and bliss, because more recently, art sometimes takes disharmonious, disgusting forms, which lead to stress.
Geniuses and happy people, peaceful or with creative artistic interests, live more often on this frequency of theta waves.